Search Results for 'Anglo-Irish Bank'

5 results found.

Sinn Féin protest against Anglo handover at County Buildings

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County Buildings became the focal point for one of the most visual protests against the handing over of €1.25 billion by the Government to unsecured bondholders in the now dead bank Anglo-Irish Bank.

Files on Anglo to be sent to DPP says Healy Eames

Investigations into Anglo-Irish Bank are at an advanced stage and a file will be sent to DPP shortly providing “some solace” during this bleak and troubling economic period.

Don’t let Magdalene statue go the way of Padraic O Conaire, warns Boston professor

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Galway City Council decided this past week to remove a statue memorializing the women who lived, worked and, in some cases, died at the Sisters of Mercy Magdalene laundry in the city. Dedicated in March 2009, the Mick Wilkins statue was commissioned by the same city councilors who now seek to remove it. It is located at the corner of Forster Street and Bothár Breandan O Eithir, standing in full public view close to where the laundry institution once stood.

A punnet of Golden Circles, please, and a Government to go

When the great Chinese philosopher Hu Flung Dung penned the immortal line “may ye live in interesting times,” surely he was thinking about days such as this. Days when the news brings unprecedented details of the unthinkable happening to all the institutions that we all previously thought were solid. Days when the squeaky bum times of footballing parlance have well and truly been transferred to politics.

Any Anglo-Irish Bank wrongdoers must meet ‘full rigour of the law’

The current investigation into Anglo Irish Bank by the Garda fraud bureau is a “necessary step” and if any wrongdoing is discovered, the perpetrators “should be pursued with the full rigour of the law”.


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