Search Results for 'Abortion in the Republic of Ireland'

20 results found.

One year on from the Referendum on the Eighth Amendment

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The referendum to Repeal the Eighth Amendment, which was a ban on abortion in almost all circumstances, took place on May 25 2018. One year on, Galway Pro-Choice spoke to the Galway Advertiser on what has changed, and why it believes there is still a need for pro-choice campaigning in Ireland.

Proposed abortion legislation will 'roll back what the Irish people voted for' warn Galway Pro Choice

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While the Eight Amendment has now been removed from the Constitution, the current draft legislation to provide for termination of pregnancies in the State, is "not capable of guaranteeing universal access to abortion services", according to Galway Pro Choice.

Mayo votes Yes by 8,000 to repeal the eighth

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Mayo like the vast majority of the country voted to repeal the eighth amendment of the constitution on Friday.

Referendum is about abortion on demand, says Galway For Life

Tomorrow Friday (May 25) the Irish people will vote in the mosti mportant referendum in a generation.

Undecided on Eighth Amendment deserve better than current debate

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Two groups intended to be representative of Irish people - the Citizens’ Assembly and the Oireachtas Committee – went in with different views on abortion and were exposed to a calm and reasoned debate that got into the nuance, difficulties, and reality of the 8th amendment. Both groups came out with a strong majority in favour of a Yes vote.

Don’t copy the British – vote no to abortion on demand

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Register to vote ahead of Eighth Amendment referendum

Following reports that up to 150,000 young people are not registered to vote in the upcoming referendum on the Eighth Amendment, Galway city councillor Niall McNelis, has urged young people to get on the Register.

Don’t copy the British – vote no to abortion on demand, say Galway For Life

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At the heart of the current debate about removing the right to life of the unborn child from the Constitution is a question about what kind of society we want to be. We do not have to look far in order to see the country where they have long ago removed the right to life for the unborn child. Our nearest neighbours in Britain have made that mistake, and we are being asked to copy them.

Galway Together For Yes launches campaign to repeal Eighth Amendment

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Voting Yes will "remove the harmful Eighth Amendment from the Constitution" and allow the State "create a caring and compassionate environment for women in Ireland in crisis pregnancy situations".

NUIG's Lit and Deb to debate abortion and the Eighth

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NUI Galway's Literary and Debating Society will tackle the issue of abortion and the Eighth Amendment when it debates the motion "This house would legalise abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy."

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