Search Results for 'AMVL Employment Network'

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Australians visit the Midlands to recruit for hundreds of tradespeople

The AMVL Employment network is currently in Ireland for the next three weeks, to recruit tradespeople to fill over a hundred vacancies that it urgently needs for positions in Australia. This will include a seminar in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone on March 21. The latest report from the Economic and Social Research Institute shows that 60,000 people will have emigrated in the 12 months up to April, which is more than 1,000 a week. In 2011 a further 40,000 are expected to leave and unfortunately most leave with no job having been secured and arrive with the hope of getting a position when they arrive. The AMVL Employment Network is one of the only agencies that presently offers employment as part of its visa services and is urgently requiring people to fill positions in the areas of diesel fitters, motor mechanics, metal machinists, metal fabricators, auto electricians.


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