Search Results for '1800 45 45 55'
4 results found.
BreastCheck lost a year of screening time due to Covid-19
BreastCheck, the HSE National Breast Screening Programme, which offers population-based breast screening to eligible women on an area-by-area basis every two years, lost a year of screening time due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Know your rights - free cancer screening programmes
Q. Do I need to register for the free cancer screening programmes and when do I become eligible?
BowelScreen says ‘do the test’ in bowel cancer awareness month
BowelScreen – the national bowel screening programme is marking the start of bowel cancer awareness month by urging people aged 60-69 years to check that they are on the bowel screening register, and to do the free home test.
BreastCheck returns to St Vincent’s Hospital

A BreastCheck mobile digital screening unit is on location in the grounds of St Vincent’s Hospital, beside the Health Centre, in Athlone.