Lavish Sweet 16th out of sync with recessionary times

An extravagant party for a local 16-year old has caused quite a stir since it hit the Irish TV screens in recent days,

The sweet sixteenth birthday party of Claudia Cardillo of Leggathsrath in Kikenny was filmed for the MTV series ‘My Super Sweet 16’.

The show details super extravagant and excessive parties of young people across the world and Claudio Cardillo’s was no different in Kilkenny.

Hosted at Lyrath Hotel in Kilkenny on June 22 last year, the Kilkenny girl and her two sisters Daniela and Nadia enjoyed a joint celebration for their birthdays.

Although the show illustrated an excessive display of wealth and extravagance, it it widely known that the content is mostly scripted and the birthday girls had little input into what was being said or done on film.

There has been much negative publicity surrounding the bash last year, as the girls were said to have been negative about Kilkenny, their friends, and much more. They came across as spoilt and obnoxious on film however, it is widely believed that this is untrue.

It is also common knowledge that lavish gifts such as a jeep given to Claudia were in fact on loan from a local garage and not really a birthday gift.

‘My Super Sweet 16 ‘ did not do anyone any favours but it is a show designed to entertain the masses with stories of excess and ambundance - it may have been appropriate last June - but not in the middle of a recession this February!


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