Nineteen-year-old gets suspended sentence

A man who broke the window of the bar he had been drinking in and assaulted the arresting garda received a three month suspended sentence at Kilkenny District Court this week.

Sean Houlihan with an address at Tinlough, Ninemilehouse, Tipperary, pleaded guilty to the offence which occurred at Scruffy Duffy’s Bar, Mill Street, Callan, on February 11, 2008.

The court heard that the defendant had entered the licensed premises. However, when he was refused service he left the bar and broke the front window causing €80 worth of damage. The defendant was observed by the owner who then contacted the gardaí.

Garda Gavin Duffy told the court that the defendant was intoxicated and was extremely dangerous to others. Garda Duffy added that the defendant resisted arrest when Garda Lewis attempted to arrest him. Garda Lewis suffered minor injuries to his shoulder in the incident.

The 19-year-old also pleaded guilty to two public order offences, one for threatening and abusive behaviour and the other for being intoxicated in a public place at The Glory Rovers, Dunnamaggin, on December 22, 2007.

Garda Philomena Walsh told the court that she was called to the bar where earlier ’quite a serious row’ had taken place. Garda Walsh added that the defendant had been involved in the row.

His solicitor Michael Lanigan told the court that his client has been attending a substance misuse programme since May of last year and had not drunk in over 10 months. Mr Lanigan added that his client left school after his Junior Certificate and was studying for a FETAC qualification.

Judge William Harnett fined him €400 and sentenced him to three months in prison to be suspended provided he enter a probation bond for one year. “If he so much as sneezes during the time I will issue the warrant,” warned Judge William Harnett.


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