It’s looking likely that Kilkenny will not be hosting a St Patrick’s Day parade this year and as I write this I know there are not going to be any cries of disappointment.
Cruel as it may sound, but Kilkenny does not have a good history of St Patrick’s Day parades. Whatever we do - we don’t do a good job on St Patrick’s Day parades in the city, which is peculiar considering that some of our larger towns such as Graiguenamanagh do a fabulous job on an annual basis and Castlecomer provides a wonderful day out on New Year’s Day with the Wellie Race and parade.
It is clear that it is not due to lack of talent or lack of enthusiasm that the parade is not going ahead. So what is the problem?
Every year after March 17, the council members say, “next year we must have a committee in place and they will begin working on the parade in the summer time and it will be brilliant!!”
However, the time rolls around and once again we are left with a lack-lustre effort at a parade or like this year - none at all!.
There are some people who are anxious to ‘fix’ Kilkenny’s problem with St Patrick’s Day parades but unfortunately there are no finances forthcoming from any quarter.
It costs €15,000 to provide barriers and Garda security along the streets so that the parade can pass safely in between the crowds. Where is this lump sum to come from? The council might like to donate a few bob considering it is in the best interests of the city to have a parade - Kilkenny being a city and all! Volunteers are also associated with the running of a St Patrick’s Day parade and we have no shortage of interested people - young and old - if only there was an organising committee of some description.
Local groups such as Barnstorm Theatre Company, Kilkenny Musical Society, Watergate Theatre, KATs and other community groups from around the county all offer phenomenal talent and would provide excellent parade material... if there was only someone they could approach about putting forward a float. However, there is now currently no group that wants to be involved in its organisation. Kilkenny Chamber has tried it, Kilkenny Tourism has tried, Kilkenny Borough Council has tried it and other private groups have given it a go - and none of them have every come back to do it again!
We need to offer some organisation funding to organise a parade for the city. It is a standing joke at this stage that we are SO bad at it. Why not put funding into getting it right for once and for all.
It is a children’s day out and it has traditionally been a family day. It is a pity to let this go because of lack of funding. It doesn’t need a huge amount of money - just enough to organise the event safely and competently for the enjoyment of the community.
Roll up, roll up...Anyone, anyone?