There is some good news for Kilkenny in the pipeline at long last. We just might have to kiss the long lines of traffic and congested streets of our inner city goodbye if the council’s new plan gets the green light.
I’m tired of writing gloomy editorials and it’s nice to see that there are positive happenings in the city.
The new traffic plan, or the draft Mobility Management Plan as the council is calling it, is set to change the way we travel around the city for good and it looks like it will be a good thing.
Footpaths are to be widened and cycle lanes put in place along the one way streets of John Street, Rose Inn Street, and High Street, which will make the city much more attractive and probably easier to get around in any mode of transport. Cycling might become a local sport as opposed to a danger to one’s life as it is currently in the city.
The council however is warning that none of this can happen unless the Central Access Scheme road is permitted through the bottom of the city as they believe that this route will take much of the traffic out of the city centre. Our Green Party member is not convinced this is true as Malcolm Noonan does not agree with the CAS in any shape or form. These plans may well be taken out of their hands if An Bord Pleanala decide that the route is not the best one for Kilkenny and this result should be made known in coming weeks and will have repercussions for everyone whatever the decision is.
Meanwhile this one-way system should make the city a more accessible place to visit for both locals and tourists. Plans to pedestrianise the High Street at certain times of the year are also quite exciting. During festivals such as the Rhythm and Roots, The Cat Laughs, and the Arts Festival, I often thought that it would be appropriate if the streets were pedestrianised as the paths are so narrow, and don’t even get me started on attempting to push a buggy!
So there are some changes on the horizon for the landscape of our city. It will probably drive everyone insane to start with, but at the end of the day I think people will agree that it will bring a new lease of life to certain areas.
Kilkenny hasn’t fared too badly in recent times really with the opening of the Watershed and the completion of the Parade looking very imminent. It’s very easy to look at all the negative things that have been going on in recent times and there has been some very depressing news lately. However it is also appropriate to acknowledge the good things that are going on around us, things that we will all benefit from without having to spend a fortune which is all important these days!
So all that is left to say is don’t forget your Valentine this weekend. I know some people hate Valentine’s Day and it really is a materialistic landmark, however it doesn’t have to be. Why not do something romantic this weekend that is recession-friendly? It doesn’t have to cost anything to have the right impact on the one you desire. A candle-lit meal by the fire — cooked by you of course! A bottle of Champagne as you watch the sun go down (if it’s not snowing ), a single rose and those three small, but effective words would go a long way towards pleasing your loved one!
So have a happy Valentine’s Day whether you like it or not!