Weight and see

A Kilkenny woman shares her weight loss success story

Linda Power is a 30-year old mother from Thomastown, Kilkenny. She works locally as a practice manager in a GP’s surgery and like most people juggles work and a busy family life. After having a baby Linda decided that she really wanted to reclaim her ‘pre-baby body’.

However, she wasn’t interested in any form of surgery or medication. She simply wanted to lose some weight and regain some energy. Linda had tried various diets and participated in weight loss groups before, however, she has since learned one to one weight loss mentoring works best for her. She came across Catherine Tierney, a Kilkenny-based weight loss consultant, who with years of experience was the perfect coach in assisting Linda in her quest.

In October Linda started a new protein-based healthy eating plan and exercise regime. Within two weeks Linda had lost a half a stone and when she reached the one month mark she had already lost a full stone. During this time she ate three meals a day and did as much exercise as possible like walking in the evening or spending whatever available time she had on the exercise bike. Catherine taught Linda to recognise what she ate by counting carbohydrates, protein, fruit, vegetable and fat intake. As a part of Linda’s eating plan she could choose from a range of suitable nutritious foods from all food groups. However, as with everything there were stumbling blocks. One of Catherine’s most important coaching tips for Linda was preparing her for potential pitfalls, so that when they confronted her, she was able to control them.

“The more I got into the programme the easier it became and I really noticed the overall difference in my health.”

It has been proven that those who participate in this programme commonly experience improved energy levels, improved skin, and an overall wellbeing.

If you are someone who is serious about going on an effective weight loss programme, you should contact Catherine Tierney of Positive Changes Weight Management Centre on (056 ) 77 03 613.


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