Workers at Galmoy Mine were shocked to hear that the company is to close it doors in May of this year.
Some 221 workers at Galmoy Mines in north Kilkenny were initially told that the mine was to close completely on a phased basis by July 2011.
Lundin Mining reported yesterday that its Galmoy zinc/lead/silver mine in Ireland is to permanently cease production in May 2009. The decision was taken as a result of dwindling zinc prices.
Phil Wright, president and CEO of Lundin Mining, commented,"this is a decision we have taken after examining all the alternatives.”
Meanwhile north Kilkenny councillor Mary Hilda Cavanagh said that there are practical steps open to the Government should it choose to help the workers of Galmoy mine.
“The Government has stated that it can use the EU Global Adjustment Fund to re-train Dell workers in Limerick. The 221 workers due to be laid off in Galmoy are in a similar position to Dell employees and re-training and upskilling schemes are urgently required in the area. I can see no reason why funding of this nature can’t be earmarked to help the mine workers.
“Many highly skilled people are employed in the mine but some need additional training to help them to make the transition to other career paths. We have a nearby school in Johnstown – Coláiste Mhuire- that provides further education courses and this would be an ideal location to provide re-training.
“We know that there is demand for these courses but the cap on places means the school cannot cater fully for the demand for up-skilling and re-training. Unfortunately, workers at Galmoy will suffer if the Government does not act now.”