Kilkenny carers outraged by proposed cut-backs

The Carers Association in Kilkenny has been inundated with calls from worried carers across the county over the recent comments made by the Minister for Social and Family affairs Mary Hanafin.

Minister Hanafin has suggested that the cost-cutting board set up by the Taoiseach to reduce departmental spending may focus on cutting recently introduced increases such as the half-rate carers allowance.

Two years ago when the half rate carers allowance was introduced, Minister Cullen stated that “Government is committed to supporting carers and to facilitating older people and those with disabilities to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Carers play a very crucial and much valued role in our society.” He continued that “A working group on long-term care, chaired by the Department of An Taoiseach, was established to identify policy options for a financially sustainable system of long term care. The role and needs of family carers were recognised by the group and this influenced the decision to introduce half payment carers allowance.”

The Carers Association finds it inconceivable that two years on, another group, also chaired by the Department of the Taoiseach, would consider reversing this decision.

“Cutting essential allowances for family carers would be an absolute disgrace. Reducing the carers allowance, removing the half-rate carers allowance or reducing income disregards family carers, many of whom are already living on the poverty line, and will seriously endanger the continuation of care in the home,”, says Enda Egan, CEO of The Carers Association.

Kilkenny’s 3,434 family carers contribute some 80,000 hours every week to Ireland’s social economy, saving the State more than €53 million each year.

“Ireland’s family carers contribute over three million hours of care per week on minimal allowances and supports. Family carers receiving the carers allowance of €220 per week must be providing full care in the home in order to receive payment, which is only €16 per week above Job Seekers Allowance. Yet carers work full-time and are on call 24 hours, seven days a week as well as having to deal with the hidden costs of caring”, says Egan.

Based on commitments by Government, it was anticipated that the National Carers Strategy, already over 12 months behind schedule, would be published by Christmas. Carers are dependant on this strategy to formally recognise their contribution as well as address financial and support services issues.

’’Family carers are an invaluable resource and we cannot and will not accept any proposed cutbacks”, concludes Egan.

The Carers Association is the national voluntary organisation of family carers in the home. The Carers Association Kilkenny can be contacted on (056 ) 7721424 or accessed on


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