It’s that time of year again and all our promises to kick old hard habits and take control have reared their heads for us to face up to them and take action.
Whether you want to simply quit smoking, lose weight or increase self confidence to tackle any area of your life or whether you want help with IBS, panic attacks or depression then Irish Hypnosis could be the solution. This is the time of year where unanimous defiant resolutions are made never to smoke another cigarette again nor to eat unhealthy foods but unfortunately when we make those decisions using our conscious minds then the will-power required to quit smoking or eliminate certain foods eventually dwindles and we are back to where we started and in some cases we end up smoking more or eating more.
When this happens we lose faith in ourselves and in our own abilities to take control of our lives. Fortunately there is help at hand. With hypnosis the subconscious part of the mind is re-educated so that it simply no longer feels the desire for cigarettes or unhealthy foods or whatever the case may be and this is why hypnosis is so successful. If the mind doesn’t desire cigarettes or unhealthy foods then the body doesn’t receive them.
When we try to eliminate these from our diets using will power alone then the mind still craves them and when the mind and body are in conflict the mind will always win. Irish Hypnosis, Ireland’s leading Hypnosis company has seen thousands of clients successfully reclaim control over their lives with busy clinics operating nationwide. One such successful client Bill reports “Every new year I promised myself I would stop smoking. Some years I succeeded for a few weeks but last year I lasted for four days. I went to Irish Hypnosis and haven’t looked back since”
For more information contact Irish Hypnosis: locall:1890 252567 or clinics are located in Carlow and Kilkenny.