If you feel you have eaten a little too much over the Christmas period there is one sure way of burning off those excess calories and that is by taking part in the Castlecomer Wellie Race on New Year’s Day.
Ever since the first Wellington race took place over the demanding five kilometre Kiltown circuit in 1981, thousands of people have taken part in what is now an annual event.
Last year over €40,000 was raised in support of local charities and this year the organisers are hoping to raise even more with over 10,0000 people expected to turn out on the day.
According to orrganising committee member Michael Brennan, monies raised by this year’s race will go towards over 20 different charities including the Susie Long Hospice Fund, St Vincent De Paul and the Carlow/Kilkenny Homecare team.
“Sponsorship cards are going very fast if not faster than last year so we expect an excellent turnout again this year,” he said.
Over 500 participants of all ages, walkers, runners and serious athletes alike are expected to take part in the race and they will have great support from the thousands of supporters and spectators who come to watch the event.
“Nearly everybody in the town is involved in some way on the day and it is something the whole community gets involved in.”
And to make sure all is above board and there is no messing at the starting line, Seargent Dick O’Toole from Killanaskully will be on hand to officially start the wellie race.
So if you are going to Castlecomer for the day, organisers are urging everyone to get there as early as possible to enjoy the wonderful ‘carnival atmosphere’ created by the live music and the fancy dress float parade that precedes the race.
Participants in the legendary race can register in the town hall from 10.30am with the parade starting at 1.30pm and the main event taking place at 3pm.
“There is still plenty of time to enter the race and you can pick up your sponsorship card from any member of the organising committee or by popping into Jim Bollard’s pub,” concluded Michael.