Plans for the long-awaited realignment of the Kells Road in Kilkenny have taken a major step forward this week, with the announcement that funding for the project has now been secured.
The Department of Transport has set aside €400,000 for the scheme, under the specific improvement grant. This is in addition to the €200,000 from development charges already ringfenced for the works.
The project will span the route from Upper Patrick Street to the ring road at the Paddocks, Maiden Hill, and Rose Hill estates. It will encompass road realignment, provision for pedestrian and cycling facilities, and street lighting.
For the new works to proceed, three plots of private land will have to be acquired – each owned by separate landowners. While negotiation for the land acquisition is currently under way, the council says a compulsory purchase order will be sought if necessary.
Kilkenny Councillor John Coonan, who originally called for the roadworks in 2006, has welcomed the announcement of the progress.
“The need for the scheme is established in that the Kells Road is the only remaining route providing a direct link from the city to the ring road that has yet to be upgraded,” he said.
“The most recent similar upgrade was undertaken on the New Orchard Road and that is the type of standard which is aspired to on the Kells Road.”