Farmers receive early Christmas presents

The Minister for Agriculture Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith has just announced that his Department commenced payments last Monday under the 2008 Suckler Welfare Scheme.

The payments of €80 per cow will continue on a rooling basis in respect of the 2008 born calves, as additional animals become eligible.

The minister said that these payments will be worth €77 million in respect of the 2008-born calves for the 53,000 farmers in the scheme, and payments will continue well into 2009. It is expected that around €33 million will be paid out this year, with a further €44 million next year.

Brendan Smith also said that farmers should continue to complete and return their application forms as soon as possible. The returns can also be made on-line, "but the sooner that farmers complete these important returns the sooner that their applications will be processed.”

Minister Smith also travelled to the US recently in an effort to promote Ireland’s Food Investment and Innovation Strategy. During his visit he also met with several business leaders from a wide range of both Irish and US Companies. He was also very anxious to provide whatever assistance he could to Irish food companies to further develop their opportunities in the US. He also met with individual Irish companies including Glanbia and Kerry Foods as well as the Irish Dairy Board, Bord Bia and Enterprise Ireland.


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