Outcry over works on College Road

A number of Kilkenny’s borough councillors have expressed serious misgivings over the ongoing roadworks taking place on College Road in the city.

At this week’s meeting of Kilkenny Borough Council, several councillors said that they felt the project was unnecessary and called for a halt to work. Councillor Joe Reidy said that the council was doing things backwards, and asked that the work be undone immediately.

“One of the nicest approach roads to the city has been ruined by these road works,” he said.

“I think that the plan is following the money, rather than the money following the plan. We have got it wrong, and we need to reverse it.”

Councillor Betty Manning said a number of her constituents had raised the issue with her.

“It’s one of the finest roads in Kilkenny – a classical road,” she said.

“I have explained the rationale to people behind [the work] and they think I’m joking. I don’t know what to say to people when they ask what is being done.”

Director of Services for Kilkenny County Council John Mulholland explained that the road works were being done as part of the Smarter Travel Scheme, to encourage the use of cycle lanes. He urged the council to wait until the scheme was finished before judging its merits.

“The works are part of the overall plan for increasing cycle lanes in the city,” he said.

“It is in the vicinity of schools, in particular St Kieran’s College, attended by 600 or 700 students.”

The scheme is yet to be completed in terms of appopriate signage and cycle lane markings.

Mayor David Fitzgerald, who is an alumnus of St Kieran’s College, said that he had walked the relevant stretch of path twice a day for six years. He said he was unable to understand the logic behind the works.

“It looks like a classic case of over-engineering,” he said.


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