Free Pneumo flu vaccine for over 65s

A combination of the change in weather and the recent cuts in fuel allowance and the health budget means it’s more important than ever to be protected against deadly pneumococcal disease. The good news is the Pneumo Flu Vaccination is free for over 65’s and other ‘at risk’ groups.

This year pneumococcal disease is likely to cause more than 200 unnecessary deaths. This is preventable and for those in the at risk group a simple one-off injection provided free of charge from the local GP will immunise against the disease.

The Seven Reasons you should know campaign is currently underway (endorsed by Brendan Grace – himself in the at risk group with diabetes ) to encourage those at particular risk of pneumo flu to contact their GPs and organise a free vaccination. Currently only one in seven Irish people in the over 65s group have received this free vaccination. Unnecessary deaths and the spread of the Pneumococcal flu within the community can be prevented if people at risk take up this vaccine.

The pneumococcal vaccination, global supplies of which will be produced by healthcare company MSD at its plant in Carlow from 2012, should not be mixed up with the traditional winter flu jab.

The pneumococcal vaccine helps protect against diseases including meningitis, blood poisoning and serious pneumonia and can be given at the same time as the annual flu vaccine to those people who are at risk from both diseases. Contact your local GP for details.


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