Councillor calls for additional local market day

Local councillor Sean O’ hArgain has called for an additional day of casual trading on the Parade in Kilkenny city, in order to promote increased consumption of local produce.

Speaking at last week’s meeting of Kilkenny Borough Council, the Labour councillor said that while huge advances had been made with regard to the local market, the midweek day did not suit many people, and traders were ultimately losing out.

“I feel that Thursday suits a lot of people, but not working people,” he said.

“I think it’s a pity we don’t have a weekend market. Saturday morning would be beneficial for a lot of people.”

Cllr O’ hArgain’s comments came as the council met to review Kilkenny’s casual trading bye laws. The current laws were recently tested following a legal challenge to the council, which was defeated.

Toby Simmonds had claimed historic rights to hold a market on the Parade, under a 19th century markets act.

The review of the current bye laws will address issues such as trading during festivals, stall size, the transfer of licenses, and a revised fee system. Members of the public are invited to make submissions for review to the council by Friday, January 27.


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