Members social night: Men’s captain Michael Healy invites all members and their guests to a social night on Saturday, November 5, commencing with final presentation of prizes at 9pm followed by music and finger food. Admission is free.
The men’s winter league will commence on November 12. Sign up fee is €10, to be paid prior to November 12, names and fee to be put in envelope and on list. Players must play and pay normal entry fee to club competitions at weekends and results will be based on normal club competitions. At the end of the series in February each player’s top six total scores will be added and the top 10 scores will receive prizes.
The 12th Annual General Meeting of the Men’s club of Castlecomer Golf Club will take place in the clubhouse on Tuesday 15th November 2011 at 8.00p.m.
On the ladies’ front, the last event run by the ladies committee will be ‘Colour Me Beautiful’, presented by Aileen Kennedy on Tuesday, November 8 at 8pm. Admission is €5 and there will be lots of hints on health and well being, with jewellery from Gemma Girr for display and purchase. The draw has taken place for the Winter League and can be seen in the locker room. If you haven’t already done so please put entry fee of €6 in when playing the first round. First round matches should be played by November 6. The ‘High and Low’ competition takes place on Sunday, November 6 and the draw will be made for an 11.30am start. Put names on the sheet in the locker room beforehand.
And finally, there was no jackpot winner for the €6,800 Monday, October 24 club lotto. Lucky prize winners were: Eddie Dunphy (€100 ), Thomas O’Neill (€70 ), Peg Kelly (€30 ), Shane Coonan (€30 ). Sellers lucky dip: Eamonn Maher and Jimmy Byrne (€30 ). The Tuesday, November 1 jackpot will be €7,100.