Get a taste of KETTOW female entrepeneurs’ businesses

A group of 15 female entrepeneurs from Kilkenny city and county have spent several months being mentored by McSorley Training, funded by Kilkenny Leader Partnership.

This busy team of women are taking the opportunity to showcase their innovative businesses to the public during the Savour Festival weekend.

With backgrounds in diverse areas – from the arts and crafts to IT, holistics, environmental, photography, equestrian and tourism – the group of multi-cultural women have been inspired to challenge today’s economic blues and set themselves up in business.

New enterprises from candy mosaics to web solutions, to specialised accommodation packages are just a sample of some of the new business entrerprises to be savoured.

The event will take place at Number 1, The Parade, Kilkenny from October 28-30, from 10am until 6pm, and then again on Monday, October 31 from 10am until 2pm.

As part of their showcase, they are running competitions with a variety of prizes to be won at their showcase at Number 1 The Parade. There will be the opportunity to win a website, a candy mosaic workshop, a voucher for a lifestyle portrait photography session or a golden ticket for Willy Wonka’s Wacky Food Fest – and more.

The Kilkenny Enterprise Tourism Training Opportunities for Women (KETTOW ) project aims to help women to grow their business ideas into real and sustainable business models.

Based around the Trail Kilkenny products of walking, cycling, food and craft trails, these new businesswomen have built their capacities through IT, communications, presentation and sales skills workshops.

The group is made up of a cross section of age groups and nationalities and participants come from redundancies, returning to work and self-employed individuals who are trying to develop new markets in these difficult economic times

For further information, contact Ann-Marie McSorley on 087-6874887.


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