Cleeres Theatre is excited to be playing host to one of Britain’s much loved modern musicians in coming weeks with Eliza Carthy due to entertain the masses on Sunday.
Describing herself simply as a "modern English musician" Eliza Carthy, at 35, is only now beginning to reach the height of her musical powers.
During a 20-year journey/career she has become one of the most dazzling and recognised folk musicians of a generation. She has revitalised and made folk music relevant to new audiences and has captured the most hardened of dissenters with canny, charismatic, and boundary-crossing performance. Many of the current crop of young professional folk musicians owe their successes in part to her determination, standard-bearing, and campaigning spirit.
Touring on and off since the age of 14, Eliza has appeared at a huge number of live events, multi-artist concerts, and benefits, from Robin Hood's Bay Village Hall to the Albert Hall. She has been a part of three meltdowns at London's Southbank: those of Nick Cave, Patti Smith, and Richard Thompson. Some say it is time she curated her own.
Yorkshire-born and based in Edinburgh since 1997, Eliza Carthy grew up immersed in the world of traditional English music. She has lived a life based on the philosophy that it is a genre worthy of and equal to any other, and that musicians need no boundaries and deserve no restrictions to what they do as artists.
She divides her time between touring and recording with her legendary parents Martin Carthy and Norma Waterson (as Waterson, Carthy and the Gift Band ) and pioneering solo and band projects, currently focusing on her solo songwriting material and the Imagined Village.
She plays Cleeres Theatre On Sunday Oct 16.
Johnny Jolden says “ this is a massive gig for Cleere’s. They are only doing three gigs in Ireland. Whelans in Dublin, Cleere’s, and Belfast. This is the biggest gig of the year in Cleere’s. No doubt.”
Don’t miss it. Get your tickets for Sunday October 16, in Cleeres.