Twitter, poems, and Michael D at Town of Books Festival

Medieval Graiguenamanagh will be catapulted into the technology age this weekend, as Tweeters and non-Tweeters alike gather for the Town of Books Festival.

Poet, politician, and presidential candidate Michael D Higgins will also be present at the event.

The Labour candidate, who is an avid user of Twitter, will be in the Kilkenny town tomorrow (Saturday ) at 3pm, for a key Town of Books Festival event. The reading provides festival goers with a chance to hear Mr Higgins read his poems, and they can decide for themselves if the poems are as pithy as his tweets.

“I love poetry, and am looking forward to having Michael D Higgins read and sign some books here in Graig,” said Susan FitzGerald, one of the festival’s organisers. “His poems are very socially conscious, and I am not surprised he is embracing all these new ways of interacting with people; especially with Twitter being a bit like poetry in that you need to be concise.

“There will be a free Tweet Up (meet up for Twitter users and non-users alike ) at 4.30 in Murray’s pub after Michael D’s talk – I’m not sure if he will make it, but we can always tweet him and tell him the fun he missed.’’

TV3 celebrity chef, author, and Graiguenamanagh resident Edward Hayden is also on Twitter (@EdwardHayden ) and he will be doing a free cookery demonstration at 8.30pm tomorrow at the Abbey Centre. There will be samples and a raffle, and Hayden will also have a stall at the book festival’s local food and craft fair on Sunday 18.

No Twitter is required to enjoy the festival, and there will be 20-plus booksellers selling all types of books on the festival book trail, just go to Graiguenamanagh this weekend, pick up a book and treasure trail map, and stroll the medieval streets.

The Town of Books Festival tweets at @TownOfBooksFest, and is on Facebook at Irelands Town of Books Festival. For the full festival programme, see, email The festival is supported by KLP, Leader, and is part of the Kilkenny Community Festival Network.


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