Town Hall Theatre Galway presents Brian Friel’s ‘Faith Healer’ at the Watergate Theatre on Monday September 12 next.
Directed by Andrew Flynn, Faith Healer features an excellent cast from Galway.
Frank (Lalor Roddy ) is a faith healer. Travelling with his two companions, Grace (Ali White ) and Teddy (Rod Goodall ), he roams Scotland and Wales healing the sick. By the edge of forests, at the base of mountains, in remote coastal villages, the lame, the ill and the broken-hearted gather for the ‘Fantastic Francis Hardy: Faith Healer’.
But who is Frank? Are his miracles real or imaginary? And what is the true price the saved must pay?
Haunting, tender and passionate, Faith Healer takes us into the heart of what it means to believe.
As we are drawn deeper into the world of Frank and his companions, our certainties fall away as we are led towards the play’s magisterial, unforgettable climax.
The show kicks off at 8pm. Tickets €18/€14 are currently available at the box office on (056 ) 77 61672.