Bridge Closure in Kilmacow

To facilitate the construction of the eagerly awaited new bridge there will be no vehicular access to Kilmacow Sports Complex from August 22 to September 17. 

Vehicular access will not be available either through the back entrance via Gooch's Lane. Parking will not be allowed on the road in the vicinity of the Sports Complex. Parking will be available in the car parks at the Church, the Community Centre and the girl's school.  Pedestrian access only will be available to the sports complex for the duration of the works. There will be a period of inconvenience while the work is in progress. People are asked to park in an n appropriate place and walk to and from the complex. 

Everybody is asked to co-operate with these measures until the job is completed. The gardai will monitor the situation on a regular basis.  When the job is completed we will have a brand new, safe bridge and a lot of associated works. There will be an official opening on Sunday September 18, the date of this year’s Fun Fiesta field day. More details in the weeks ahead.

The bridge will be closed at 10pm on Sunday August 21.


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