Work ceases at James Stephens Kells Road site following council intervention

Work has come to a standstill this week at the James Stephens GAA Club new development on the Kells Roadas a result of a directive issued by Kilkenny County Council, following complaints by local residents.

Tools were downed by developers on Friday August 5, following the directive which outlined that work should only be carried out on site between the hours of 7am and 7pm and on investigation it was discovered that this had not been the case.

The council has issued an enforcement notice demanding that the terms of the planning permission are adhered to in this respect and the council also sought a landscaping plan and a working programme for the future works at the site.

Until these requirements have been met, work has ceased at the site.

Director of Services at the planning department at Kilkenny County Council John McCormack said, “on inspection of the site we discovered that work was on-going by the contractors outside of the set hours. Once this is addressed and the two other plans, which should have been submitted prior to any work commencing at the site, are produced, the work can recommence,” he said. “This is all very do-able,” he added.

Planning permission for the long awaited new facility was granted amidst some controversy in 2010.

Kilkenny County Council initially granted permission however in October 2010, this was then appealed to an Bord Pleanala who then, also granted planning subject to conditions, although the Bord Inspector had advised against it.

One of the main conditions, which influenced the decision to give the green light to the development was the omission of the original plan for an indoor sports hall on site and also the revised location of an entrance to the facility from the Kells Road. The board also had particular regard to the absence of a bar or any other social club facilities on the site.

In a statement from James Stephens GAA Club yesterday, Michael Moore, development officer for the club said, “work on the club’s Kells Road site has stopped as of last week on foot of a directive from Kilkenny County Council.

“The club has complied with the order and is working with the authorities to resolve the issues surrounding the stoppage, with a view to having the development work resume at the earliest opportunity.

He added that the club was very short of playing facilities for the large numbers of male and female members within its underage structures.

“In this context,” he added, “the club’s management committee remains determined to have the four playing fields up and running in time for the 125th anniversary celebration in 2012.”

Work began on the new site in July of this year and it had been hoped that it would have been completed by September this year, however, this date may now be in jeopardy.

It’s understood that the developing contractors, Michael Boland, were half way through the works on the site when they were informed by the council that works must stop.

Planning permission was granted for the construction of four new playing pitches, two warm-up/practise pitches, a new clubhouse and changing rooms, parking facilities and other ancillary works.


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