Extra trains from Kilkenny to run on match day

Iarnród Éireann has announced that extra trains will operate from Kilkenny and Waterford for the All-Ireland hurling semi-final in Croke Park on Sunday August 7.

A special train will operate from Kilkenny at 09.20, pick up at Muine Bheag 09.36 and arrive into Heuston Station at 10.50. This is in addition to the normal service departing from Kilkenny at 09.48 arriving into Heuston at 11.30.

A special train will also operate from Waterford at 10.20, travelling non-stop to Heuston Station arriving at 12.16. This is in addition to the normal morning service departing from Waterford at 09.05, and arriving into Heuston at 11.30.

For the return trip, extra trains will depart Heuston Station at 18.15 and 19.15, stopping at Muine Bheag, Kilkenny, Thomastown, and Waterford. This is in addition to the normal Sunday evening service departing Heuston at 18.05hrs.

Tickets for all trains are available on line at www.irishrail.ie or by ringing Iarnród Éireann’s tele-sales team on 1850 8366222.

Trains will be very busy, so get online early and ensure your place on the journey to Croker.


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