National day of commemoration ceremony planned

A day of commemoration ceremony will be held in the grounds of Kilkenny Castle on Sunday at 11.30 am.

The event has been organised by Kilkenny Local Authorities to honour all the Irishmen and Irishwomen who died in past wars or on service with the United Nations,

This is one of a number of regional ceremonies that will be held on the day and reflects a change of policy away from having one single ceremony in Dublin.

Military personnel and public representatives from Kilkenny, Carlow, Laois, Offaly and Wexford have been invited to attend.

Members of the public wishing to attend this ceremony should arrive at the venue before 10.30am.

Formal proceedings commence at 11am, when the military guard of honour takes its place. Following the introduction of the Mayor and fellow dignitaries by the master of ceremonies, the ceremony formally commences at 11.30 with prayers from the officiating clergy and the laying of a wreath by the Mayor in honour of all those who died. A period of one minute’s silence will then be observed.

Following the minute’s silence, the military guard of honour will render honours and trumpeters and drummers will sound the last post.

The National Flag will be hoisted to full mast accompanied by a roll of drums.

The National Anthem will also be played before the military guard of honour march off.

All are welcome.


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