Dear Editor,
On behalf of Down Syndrome Centre and myself, I would like to say a big thank you to all the Kilkenny ladies who kindly donated dresses to this year’s Buy My Dress charity dress sale, which took place in The Hotel Kilkenny, on Saturday May 28.
The event was a phenomenal success, with some 7,500 dresses donated countrywide, nearly 600 of which came from Kilkenny ladies, resulting in €95,000 raised countrywide in one day. The Kilkenny event contributed an amazing €4,132 towards this total. Who would have thought so much money could be raised from once loved dresses?
I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the businesses, credit unions, and pharmacies who kindly acted as dress collection points, making it easier for ladies to donate. We would also like to thank all the volunteers and committee members who gave up their spare time to ensure the event was a success; the businesses which donated their services and premises free of charge to keep costs low; not forgetting all ladies who came through the doors on the day and bought dresses. So many people were so kind and supportive that it’s impossible to thank everyone personally.
All monies raised through Buy My Dress goes to support Down Syndrome Centre’s liaison nursing service, which offers advice, support, and counselling to parents of newly born children with Down syndrome.
As a result of the success of our 2011 campaign and the online dress shop Down Syndrome Centre hopes to fund further liaison nurses countrywide.
Many thanks again. We look forward to your continued support in 2012.
Best wishes,
Kay White
Buy My Dress Co-ordinator, Kilkenny