Andrew McGuinness and the election of mayor

Dear Editor,

It was ironic to read and hear in the media last week Cllr Andrew McGuinness ranting and raving of party pacts in the borough council for purposes of voting to elect the Mayor of Kilkenny city.

At the very same time of his criticism a party pact between Fine Gael, Labour and Fianna Fáil on a much larger and more lucrative scale was taking place in Dublin to elect his father, John McGuinness TD, to the chair of the Public Accounts Committee and by the process of this pact ensuring Shane Ross Independent TD had no chance of securing the position.

Cllr Andrew McGuinness, not only a councillor but also one of his father’s staff, should have been fully aware of what was taking place. Therefore it appears to me the system was good to secure his father’s position in Dublin but the same system to elect our mayor in Kilkenny was not and is not acceptable to his son. I think it’s time for Andrew McGuinness to get down from his bouncy castle and stop speaking from both sides of his mouth.

Yours sincerely,

Jimmy Leahy


St John’s Branch Fine Gael


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