Jamie Lawson ‘wasn’t expecting’ his leap to fame which happened virtually overnight for the London-based musician. One minute he was playing to himself as an unknown in his London flat — the next he was a UTube sensation signed to Universal.
Next week, following a knock out performance at the Set some weeks ago, Jamie Lawson will play an intimate gig at Kilkenny’s oldest new music venue, The Hole In The Wall on Friday July 8.
Jamie Lawson took the country by storm earlier this year with his hit single Wasn’t Expecting That. He has since released an album, titled ‘Wasn’t Expecting That’, played to a sold out Vicar Street and is currently enjoying the Irish festival scene.
The 1852 tavern has seen a number of leading artists come perform at the upstairs Archer Room since January this year such as Liam O’ Maonlai, Ronan O’ Snodaigh, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Juliet Turner and more.
You can catch Jamie Lawson with support from London band Skinny Machines on Friday July 8, tickets priced at €15.
Tickets for this event go on sale today (Friday June 24 ) and are available from Rollercoaster Records, Kieran Street, Kilkenny. Limited availability. Doors: 8.30pm. www.facebook.com/hole-in-the-wall