Happy 10th Anniversary to Millennium Court

The residents of Millennium Court, Hebron Road, Kilkenny celebrate the 10th anniversary of the opening of their estate On Sunday June 12 next.

The centre-piece of their celebrations is a Family Fun Afternoon, which will be held on the estate from 3pm to 6pm. The event is being co-ordinated and organised by the Residents Committee for the estate which is working hard in making sure that everything is in place for a fun-filled afternoon for residents and their guests.

Among the attractions on the day will be a bouncy castle and rodeo bull, live music and face painters, a magician and puppet show.

The Road Safety Authority representatives will be bringing along a driving simulator for everyone to practice their driving skills. The Order of Malta cadets will put on a display of CPR and FAST. Light refreshments and food will also be provided.

Millennium Court is one of two Respond! Housing Association estates in Kilkenny city. The estate opened on January 15, 2001 providing 46 family housing units as part of Respond!’s commitment to the provision of housing in Ireland.

Denis Shanahan, resident support worker, for the estate commenting about the upcoming celebration said, “one of the aims of Respond! is to support residents in developing positive and safe communities where people feel happy and proud to live. The June 12 celebration will hopefully encourage residents to come together and work towards something good for the estate.”

The Residents Committee also thanked all those who helped so far in the organisation and preparation of the event. They hope that June 12 will be a memorable day for everyone involved.


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