Kilkenny Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan made his first return to his old stomping ground at County Hall this week when he was invited to speak at a working meeting with the members
He told the members that he was delighted to be back in Kilkenny and added that this was a good term of office as minister, as the last time he had lasted just seven weeks and it was already eight weeks and he was still going.
“Today is a day I feel very proud. I am delighted to be back here as minister as I never thought it would happen.
“I’ve always had the greatest respect for local councillors and this of course goes back to my father who also served as a councillor. I believe he had more power as a councillor in the 60s than you do now and this has to change,” he said.
He wished the councillors and executive well and said that he expected to be very busy and although times are tough he added, ‘there is always some money ad we have to get on with the cards the way they are dealt.’
He added that one of the most important tasks for him was to ensure that Ireland is not fined by the EU for service provision.
He concluded, “I’ll always remember this day — the beginning of a new relationship between Kilkenny County Council and the Department of the Environment.”
The party whips each welcomed Minister Hogan to the chamber and offered their best wishes from each and every member of their parties. They all expressed their desire to work closely with the miniser on environment and local government issues over the term of the present government.