Corcoron’s Terrace residents to vote on Kells Road plans

The residents of Corcoron’s Terrace have been given an opportunity to have their say in deciding whether or not to proceed with plans to create eight parking spaces in front of their homes as part of the Kells Road Improvement Scheme.

A number of concerned residents attended the Kilkenny County Council meeting on Monday afternoon when members unanimously approved the project provided an amendment be included for the area relating to Corcoron’s Terrace which stipulates that a vote be carried out asking them whether or not they agree with the parking spaces.

However, according to Michael Delahunty, senior engineer with Kilkenny County Council, no alternative parking spaces will be provided if the eight parking spaces are not put in place. The section which is currently used for car parking will be marked by double yellow lines.

The survey of the residents of each house from 1 to 32 will be carried out over the coming weeks with one vote per household.

Proposing the amendment Cllr John Coonan (FF ) said it is vital that everyone living in the area is given a democratic opportunity to have their say on the matter.”

Cllr Marie Fitzpatrick seconded the proposal and stressed the importance of keeping green space. “To remove green space when we are spending thousands on upgrading our parks and playgrounds in the city doesn’t make sense.”

Cllr Paul Cuddihy (FG ) welcomed the €4.5 million scheme but reiterated the importance of consulting with everyone living in the area.

“The intrusion is so serious that the people of Corcoron’s Terrace gave up their time to be here today,” said Cllr Pat Fitzpatrick (FF ).

“The proposed eight car parking spaces are more likely to be used by people parking up for the day to avoid charges on Patrick Street when the on-street parking charges come into effect and will not be of a significant benefit to the residents of Corcoron’s Terrace,” added Cllr Michael Lanigan (FF ).

Cllr Dick Dowling (FG ) agreed that every householder should be entitled to have a vote on the matter in hand.

However not everyone agreed with the proceedings in the council chamber on Monday with Labour Cllr Michael O’Brien walking out in protest before the 24 other members present unanimously passed the proposals.

Mr O’Brien asked that the matter be deferred by amendment until September to enable the Borough Council to consult with its citizens and then proceed by agreement. He said that instead the residents were forced to bring their protest and concerns into the public arena.

The proposed Kells Road Improvement Scheme will cost €4.5 million and will involve road improvement works on a one kilometre section of the Kells Road. The aim of the proposed works is to improve the safety, amenity value and general quality of the road for all road users.

The scheme will provide for a 7.5 metre wide road carriageway, footpaths on either side, a cycle track, two pedestrian junctions, improved junctions, street lighting, appropriate road markings and road signage and the upgrade of the surface water drainage system.

It will be funded through development contributions received by Kilkenny County Council.


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