Health is Ireland’s newest on-line health phone directory tailored specifically to conventional/ complementary health practitioners and health related service providers. The premise of the website is to give the general public free easy access to contact information of practitioners in their locality ranging from an A to Z list of various therapies and services.
Wexford woman Catherine Breen, developed because while practising as a therapist herself found the public were finding it difficult to find contact details for their local therapist. So, after great research and work to develop this easy to navigate website Catherine feels this will help them find the service they require.
It can now be seen promoted at various holistic fairs around the country and at trade shows by Catherine herself and says the positive feedback she is getting from doing these shows reiterates how much this type of directory is needed. After deciding to advertise the website over the last six weeks in local newspapers stretching from Tipperary to Bray. Catherine says “I am constantly getting calls from the public just to say ‘well done, great idea and it will be so useful to them. I even received calls from the elderly who may not have a computer to access the information they need and I have no problem in finding this information for them which they are delighted with.”
The next venue to see the website being promoted will be in Portlaoise at the end of April and also through ads over the next few weeks on Tipp Fm local radio where Catherine will also be interviewed about the website on air. is only five months old and is getting stronger by the week. If you are a therapist or have a health related service and would like to advertise your business on the website the registration process is very straight forward and in fact it only takes a few minutes to register all your information on line. All qualified practitioners/services are very welcome to join for a very reasonable yearly fee with lots of advantages which include a free link to their website and free listing of any training, items for sale or jobs they may have within their business when listed.
For further details log on to or call Catherine on 086 8801070.