Kilkenny Arts Festival invites submissions from established artists

Kilkenny Arts Festival invites submissions from visual artists for consideration for inclusion in this year’s festival programme.

In addition to the festival’s curated visual art programme, KAF are inviting submissions for inclusion in the visual art programme. These will be presented as ‘Selected Works’.

In recognition of the high standard of visual art currently being created in Ireland, Kilkenny Arts Festival invites established professional artists to submit a comprehensive proposal to be considered for inclusion in this year’s Festival Programme. Places are limited and prospective applicants should visit our website at for full details of application requirements.

Full submissions should be clearly marked “Visual Art – Selected Works” and forwarded to: Programme Coordinator, Kilkenny Arts Festival, 9/10 Abbey Business Centre, Abbey St, Kilkenny by Wednesday May 4, at 5pm.

Exhibitions by successful applicants will be included in the Festival brochure and website.

The Kilkenny Arts Festival 2011 takes place from August 5– 14.


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