200’s strike league title

In an exciting and very close finish to the Spring Trios Bowling League at KBowl in MacDonagh Junction, the 200’s prevailed by just two points from the Pin Killers.

The Pin Killers put up a very good defence of the “Trios” title they won in December scoring an extra point than they did in the previous league. After 10 rounds the 200’s compiled a total of 36 points compared with 34 for the Pin Killers and Riverview just two points further back on 32 points.

The 200s are made up of brothers Niall and Shane Comerford and Paul O’Connor who amassed six more points than in the previous league. So excited to get their hands on the trophy were the 200s that they almost forgot to collect the €600 winners cheque!

The Pin Killers team were made up of Mark Roche, Nik Kamal and Stephen Brennan. In their first bowling league third placed Riverview made up of Jim Byrne, Ann Murphy, Brian Murphy and Martin Hanrahan did very well. The “Most Improved Bowler was Ann Murphy — Riverview and best scorer with the handicap added was Chris Clancy from the Beans.

Next league starts soon

The next league will be on Tuesday nights and will start in a weeks time. For anyone interested in taking part please contact KBowl on 056-7788200. Handicaps are allocated to all players, the handicap is added to the player’s score in each game. The better the player, the lower the handicap. Each team can have five members with three to play each week.


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