An Taisce’s National Spring Clean campaign, begins next week and runs throughout the month of April and, already, community groups from all over Kilkenny have signed up to take part.
The National Spring Clean campaign is Ireland’s largest anti-litter initiative organised by An Taisce and funded by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government.
Events taking place in Kilkenny over the next week include:
On April 1, Scoil Bhride, Goresbridge, will be cleaning the school, local church and the Ionad Dara area and calling on volunteers to clean up the local town. For more information please contact Suzanne Power on: 059 9775168.
April 2, Thomastown Tidy Towns, is calling for volunteers to join forces with the scouts, paddlers club and committee members for four Saturdays (also the 9th, 16th and 23rd ) to take part in the spring clean. Volunteers report to the Quay Car Park at 10.30am for briefing and issue of supplies. Areas are allocated to groups and litter picking lasts from at 11.00 am until 1.00pm. For more information please contact Colin Castle on: 087 218 6309.
April 2, Clogh Community Council, Castlecomer, will be participating in the National Spring Clean. For more information please contact Charlie McCarthy on: 056 4442145.
April 3, the residents of Desart Wood estate will come together at 10.00am to clean-up their estate and will be meeting at Stone Bridge. For more information please contact Bernadette Curran on: 056 7766829.
April 4 ,Kilkenny Inistioge Scouts, Thomastown, will be participating in a National Spring Clean event. For more information please contact James Miskella on: 086 8531683.
On April 4, Jerpoint Church Group, John’s Street will be hosting a National Spring Clean event.
Patricia Oliver, National Spring Clean chairperson said, “Thousands of people from all over Ireland have already signed up to take part in this year’s National Spring Clean campaign and we hope that, like other years, thousands more will be encouraged to join them! I would like to praise all of the groups and individuals who continue to give their time each spring to contribute in this national effort to make Ireland a cleaner place to live.”
All those registering for the National Spring Clean campaign are issued with a free clean up kit which contains information, posters, colour-coded refuse sacks for segregation of waste materials, protective gloves and tabards to keep participants clean. National Spring Clean is run in partnership with Local Authorities who provide for the efficient management of all materials collected without charge.
To register for National Spring Clean call 01 4002220 or online at