Free taster sessions with Community Enterprise Board

There is more to the internet than Facebook…. Isn’t there?

If you are starting up or running a small business then now is a good time to consider your sales strategy.

The Kilkenny CEB are running FREE Taster Sessions in the coming weeks, which will provide a short introduction to some of their 2011 Training Programmes. The Taster Sessions are designed to help you decide if their courses are for you, while also providing you with some helpful business tips and information, as well as allowing you to gain insight from others and build a network of valuable business relationships.

Something happened in the last 3 years, although it is difficult to put your finger on it. Internet connections have got faster (for most of us anyway ), phones do a lot of new things and everyone is chatting on about Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Somehow or another the internet in all its variants has managed to become part of everyday life and many small businesses are having to reassess their use of it as a communication and sales tool.

Come along to a free taster session, presented by Keith Bohanna, to learn more about: setting up website if you don’t have one or learn how to improve the site you have.

Maybe you have a niggling suspicion that your site could be doing better but you are not sure what to do about it. Social Networks for business – seriously? Life is too short for all of this surely? This will help you make a more informed decision on whether you can indeed ignore these new tools or should you start to explore them.

Selling online – pipedream or lucrative new channel?

The event takes place on Wednesday March 23 at 12.30pm – 2pm at the Newpark Hotel.

Book your place at the forthcoming free taster session today! Booking is essential. Contact Ailish or Brian today on (056 ) 7752662 | | Enrol online at


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