Contrary to what might be expected during the recession, Fairtrade sales continue to grow in Kilkenny. In 2010 consumer spending on Fairtrade Certified products grew by an impressive 17 per cent, from €118 million in 2009 to €138 million in 2010. Ireland now has one of the highest per capita spends on Fairtrade Certified products anywhere in the world.
Kilkenny city provides a positive example to many other counties throughout Ireland in achieving designated Fairtrade status. Patrick Bewley commented, “this is an excellent commitment and it speaks volumes for the generosity of spirit and community values of people throughout County Kilkenny.”
Supporting this initiative, the nationwide convenience, neighbourhood and forecourt retailer MACE is also using its coffee buying power together with Bewley’s and Fairtrade to underpin a sustainable future for coffee producing communities. MACE will serve Bewley’s Fairtrade Certified coffees in 120 of its stores all over Ireland including Mace on Dublin Road, Kilkenny.
Peter Gaynor, Executive Director with Fairtrade Mark Ireland said, “It’s good to remember that people in Ireland continue to support initiatives like Fairtrade. Volunteer groups all around the country have committed their time over many years and we are delighted with how sales are holding up and even still growing in the teeth of the recession.”
During Fairtrade Fortnight Irish people are being asked to be proud and to show off their support for third world producers by joining the Show Off Your Label Campaign. Ireland has the highest number of Fairtrade Towns groups per capita of any country in the world.
Kilkenny City achieved Fair Trade status in 2005 and renewed its status in 2009. Fair Trade products can be found in a large number of retail outlets throughout the city and schools continue to raise awareness of the benefits of supporting the Fair Trade movement. The Fair Trade steering committee is always looking for new members. Anyone interested in becoming involved can get in contact with the Environmental Awareness Officer of Kilkenny Local Authorities on 056-7794470 for further information.