Dear Editor,
In my opinion the standard of refereeing in the National League hurling game between Kilkenny and Cork at Nowlan Park last Sunday was appalling.
From start to finish, the Wexford man in charge of this viral game was clearly out of his depth and I believe he was even biased.
While I am very critical of his performance the powers that be that put him there must also share some of the blame.
It’s quite easy to know if a referee has had a good game or not. If he is not remembered, he usually has had a reasonable hour, but if he is the main topic of conversation following a game then he should be paying to get into the next game just like the rest of us.
LIke thousands of other ardent hurling supporters, I paid good money to see the National League game last Sunday and I should not have had to witness such a poor standard of refereeing . The referee was seen to make no effort to protect the players which is one of his primary duties.
I will conclude by saying that I felt for those players who tried their best under terrible conditions — and they certainly deserve better.
Liam Burke