Glee live and loud!

Glee Live and Loud the stage show is coming to Kilkenny. Based on the Emmy Award winning TV programme this very entertaining show has all of your favourite characters and songs including Imagine, Proud Mary, Gold Digger and Somebody To Love just to name a few.

The hilarious script was written by award winning actress and singer Vicki Graham and Michael Joseph from the TV show Fame. It recently ran in the Theatre Royal Waterford to full houses with a standing ovation every night! This is one not to be missed!

Rather than bring this show to Kilkenny with a 'foreign' cast, Vicki has decided to hold open auditions to try cast the show locally. So if you fancy yourself to be a Rachael or a Finn or even a Sue Sylvester get your self along to the auditions. Singing auditions take place this Saturday February 12 from 2 to 4pm at Dancewise Studios in the Newpark Shopping Centre with call backs for dance and acting auditions on Sunday 13 from 12 to 2pm in the same place.

Participants should come along with a song prepared, preferably one from Glee, or if dancing or acting is your forte come along and sign up for the call backs on Sunday.

These auditions are open to anybody from the age of seven and up, no upper age limit and adults are very welcome!

If you are lucky enough to be picked as part of the cast of this exciting show there will be a Glee Club held once a week where as well as rehearsing for the show you will take part in acting, singing and dance workshops with extra rehearsal most weekends.

Finally make sure not to miss out on this very exciting opportunity to take part in what is sure to be a fantastic show!


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