Sinn Féin election candidate for the Carlow-Kilkenny constituency, Cllr Kathleen Funchion has accused the Labour Party of flip flopping on its taxation policy on the eve of the general election after the party dropped its proposal to introduce a new 48 per cent tax on individual earnings over €100,000.
Cllr Funchion said it is obvious that negotiations between Fine Gael and Labour on a programme for Government had already begun with Labour dropping a progressive taxation proposal in favour of the regressive Universal Social Charge.
She said: “The Labour Party is clearly dropping this policy to suit Fine Gael in its bid to prop up a yet another conservative-led Government.
“In dropping its proposal to introduce the a progressive new 48 per cent tax on earnings over individual €100,000 the Labour Party is confirming its support for the regressive Universal Social Charge which indiscriminately targets the lowest earners in Irish society.
“If this is the Labour Party in opposition then God help us if they get into Government.”