The Oxfam Kilkenny shop urgently needs donations of saleable items, as its stock levels are currently critically low.
The volume of donations of stock to Oxfam shops has fallen dramatically in the past couple of years and it has left stock in Oxfam shops at acutely low levels. Oxfam needs you to support the Oxfam Kilkenny shop by donating anything you can spare, books, CDs, DVDs, shoes, belts, handbags, dresses, shirts, trousers, suits, wedding dresses, homewares, any item of good quality that you no longer need.
Did you know that Oxfam Ireland can raise, on average, around €35 from a donated bag of clothes in good condition; a paperback book sells for around €3 and DVDs of feature films also fetch an average of about €3. Designer shirts for men that retail new for €80 to €120 will allow Oxfam to raise from €12 to €20. Designer jeans that retail for €90 can be sold for €18 to €20 and High Street fashion brands will tend to retail at 25 per cent to 33 per cent of the original sale price in an Oxfam Ireland shop, depending on their condition.
These donations of stock allow Oxfam to change many people’s lives. If you donate five books to an Oxfam Ireland shop Oxfam is able to provide schoolbooks to a child in Tanzania for an entire year. If you donate one vase to an Oxfam Ireland shop it will turn into three water buckets specifically designed to keep water clean and safe to drink. If you donate enough for Oxfam to raise €15 Oxfam will buy a hygiene kit with essentials such as soap, detergent, toothpaste and toothbrushes for use in the aftermath of disasters. If you donate enough items for Oxfam Ireland to raise €25 Oxfam will feed a family for two weeks in areas where food insecurity is at crisis levels.
The Oxfam Kilkenny shop is located at 48 High Street, Kilkenny, if you are able to donate good quality saleable items shop manager Johanna Hegarty and her team urgently need it.
According to Johanna Hegarty: “We have always received tremendous support from the people of Kilkenny; in recent times we have found many more people are visiting our shop to buy items but unfortunately it has come at a time when people are less able to donate stock, so it has made the situation very difficult for us. If you can spare any item that is of decent quality we would be delighted to see you drop in and delighted for you to be someone who is part of Oxfam Ireland’s efforts to change lives for the better.”