As of January 4, 2011 there has been an increase in recorded cases of H1N1 influenza (swine flu ) and a small number of people have been hospitalised as a result of their illness.
The HSE is warning the public that it is very important that all those in the at-risk groups below who have not already been vaccinated go now for their seasonal flu vaccine.
Seasonal flu vaccine provides protection against H1N1 influenza and it is not too late to get vaccinated.
Seasonal flu vaccine is strongly recommended for persons 65 and over, those with a long-term medical condition such as diabetes, heart or lung disease, healthcare workers (including students on clinical placement ), residents of nursing homes and other long stay institutions, carers, people whose immune system is impaired due to disease or treatment, people with regular close contact with poultry, water fowl or pigs, persons with a body mass index (BMI ) over 40, pregnant women with long term medical conditions or whose immune system is not working, pregnant women who do not have long term medical conditions but have not previously received Swine Flu vaccine.
All pregnant health care workers should be encouraged to get the seasonal flu vaccine (even if they received the pandemic vaccine last year )
This year’s seasonal flu vaccine contains three strains of flu viruses as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO ) and had been manufactured in a similar way to previous seasonal vaccine.
The pandemic strain in seasonal flu vaccine is not the same as the pandemic vaccine that was used during the pandemic.
It is likely that the pandemic strain will be the predominant strain circulating this season.
There are no safety concerns of administering the seasonal flu vaccine to those who have previously received pandemic vaccine.
The vaccine is available from family doctors (GP ) for all of those in the at risk groups.
The vaccine and consultation are free to those within the recommended groups who have a ‘Medical Card’ or ‘Doctor Only Card’. Family doctors charge a consultation fee for seasonal flu vaccine to those who do not have a ‘Medical Card’ or ‘Doctor Only Card’.
Contct 056 – 7784670 or 056 - 7784771 for further details