This Christmas some 400 Kilkenny homes will see some light at the end of a very dark tunnel thanks to the generosity of donations to the Mayor’s Fund.
The Mayor’s Fund now in its 28th year sees coal and food vouchers distributed to those in need at Christmas. At a time when the economy is struggling and more and more homes are under severe stress and strife the Mayor’s Fund saw its biggest ever fund-raise in its history.
Speaking to the Kilkenny Advertiser Mayor Martin Brett was very thankful for the contributions and generosity of the people of Kilkenny. “This year we raised the most funds ever. The local businesses were phenomenal. We wrote to them earlier in the year asking for their help and help they gave. We also put in an extra special effort this year as we truly understood the struggle out there.”
The fund headed by Mayor Martin Brett and supported by the Borough Council teams up with other charitable societies to ensure fair distribution of the funds,
“We work alongside Saint Vincent De Paul and the Kilkenny Lions Club to ensure we don’t overlap on those in need and to make sure we know who requires our help the most. The SVP have a list of people in need and we go from there distributing our coal and food vouchers,” said Mayor Brett.
Mayor Brett was deeply saddened by some of the stories of struggle he encountered, and said, “people are on their knees, they’re really struggling and are down to their last cent. Anything we can do to ease their suffering we will do,” he said.
Mayor Brett also praised the SVP and Lions Club.
“Work by the SVP and the Lions Club has to be commended. The work they do each day for people is truly remarkable and I would encourage everyone where ever they see the opportunity to help out to try.”
While there was plenty of economic struggle this year Mayor Brett also witnessed the kindness of people and businesses.
“People have become even more emphatic and even if they don’t have a large bank balance they are offering what they can as they know there is someone else worse off. Business and organisations really dug deep and without their help the fund would not be as beneficial. I would just like to thank all those who have made our fund the largest ever this year.”