May your dreams be merry and bright!

For all those who have dreamed of a white Christmas — it looks like your dreams just might come true this year, however, I think there are only a few of you left! Everyone is currently sick of snow!!!

Beautiful scenes of white, snowy landscapes, snowmen and pretty icicles have all lost their appeal at this point. It is hard to believe that we haven’t yet had Christmas and we have had over a month of extreme weather conditions already. Roll on 2011... well unless it brings more of the same.

I think the council is doing a good job on keeping the main roads safe. It is a relief to get off the dangerous backroads and onto the gritted ones and it’s good to know that once you can get out of your house, the main roads are safe.

And now the council has gone some way towards helping with the secondary roads by leaving grit at a central location around the rural areas so that people can come and take it and make their area safe.

The snow has highlighted the good ill that there is still to be found in people — many of whom are suffering from financial poverty this year for the first time ever. The Mayor is proud of the Mayor’s Fund which exceeded all expectations this year and will go some way towards making Christmas easier for those in difficulty this week.

Homelessness has been focussed on this month with the cold weather highlighting just how difficult it is for people who have no- where to go. Thankfully Kilkenny doesn’t have a problem in this area as The Good Shepherd Centre and Amber Women’s Refuge take care of the homeless in Kilkenny. These agencies are vital to keeping people housed at all times of the year and should be supported as much as possible.

Christmas can be a very stressful time for people living with alcoholism in their families and we must keep an eye on those that may be suffering. Christmas heightens stress when it is already present and unfortunately, many won’t escape the violence that comes with alcoholism at Christmas time.

We need to remind people in difficult circumstances this year to ask for help. There is help available from all sorts of agencies and organisations if you let them know your situation. Don’t be afraid to ask...

Finally, I wish all of our readers and customers a very happy Christmas this year. I hope Santa Claus is good to one and all and from all of us at the Advertiser — every good wish for 2011!


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