Poor little brother, is what the young audience at the Barn Theatre in Kilkenny were thinking after seeing the wonderful play ‘Big Sister, Little Brother’ last week. The children from Gaelscoil Osrai were squealing with delight at the antics of brother and sister team Archie and Rita as they escaped to the country and chased each other around the stage.
The action took place on the colourful set depicting a countryside scene where the two youngsters were escaping from the Emperor and his courtiers after the two had played a trick on them.
Barnstorm’s most recent offering for younger audiences aged between 4 and 7 years is loosely based on the fairytale ‘The Emperors New Clothes’. However, things go wrong for Archie and Rita when they lose their position at the great castle of the Emperor ‘weaving invisible garments’, when they are caught out, and now they are on the run.
They blame each other for their sticky predicament and Rita being the big sister bullies Archie into doing what she wants. She makes him follow her road and he has to carry all the heaviest bags.
She threatens him with the suitcase monster and she never lets him rest even though he is really tired. She also steals his sweets by frightening him and Archie finally gives in.
This is a typical tale of sibling rivalry and it is told beautifully through the skill and charisma of Rita (Aideen Wylde ) and Archie (Pul Curley ) who both give wonderfully convincing performances of two small children trying to make their way under difficult circumstances.
Barnstorm is regularly acclaimed for its young people’s theatre and this beautiful and simple piece from Mike Kenny will not disappoint.
Children will love the simple story and childish pranks of the two characters and every child wlll relate to the sister/brother relationship where the shifting power balance leaves one or the other unsure and insecure in their position.
The logistics of the set and props are also beautifully put together with the character’s suitcases doubling up as a palace and a tower. Children will clearly see the Emperor and his kingdom in the simple set packed into three colourful suitcases.
This show is a must-see for any young child and although most of the performances are booked up, extra shows have been put on for the bank holiday weekend. For tickets contact Barnstorm at 7770495. The show takes to the road for its nationwide tour in November.