Noonan calls for Christmas park and ride

Local Green Party councillor Malcolm Noonan has called on the council to implement Christmas park and ride facilities in the city to complement plans for a ‘winter wonderland’.

The Advertiser recently revealed the council’s plans to create a ‘winter wonderland’ on the city’s parade plaza incorporating a Christmas market and family entertainment.

And Cllr Noonan has asked the local authorities to investigate the feasiblity of introducing a park and ride system for the city over the Christmas period.

He suggested the council could make use of some of the large car parks on the edge of the city such as the Kilkenny Retail Park on the Ring Road which often had plenty of car parking space.

And he called on the council to provide a shuttle bus service from the car parks into the city centre for the Christmas markets and Christmas shopping.

Director of services John Mulholland said the council were working on the premise that the Christmas markets would go ahead.

“We are in the early stages of trying to get the best physical lay-out for it and we are looking at the most desirable duration. This week will tell a lot,” he said.

There had also been suggestions the council might revisit plans to erect a temporary ice rink in the Castle Park over the Christmas period, those plans having been scrapped in recent years.

However, Cllr Seán ÓhArgáin intimated that the Castle Park had been ruled out as a venue this year but said there was a group of local business people intent on operating an ice rink in the city with a venue possibly to be announced on Monday.


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