One million Irish homes are to be asked to join “Just 2 Will Do” — Ireland’s biggest ever fundraising drive.
The event kicked off last Thursday October 7. Charity 25’s “Just 2 Will Do” campaign aims to raise over €2 million for the 25 participating charities per year. This will be the first time that such a large grouping of Irish charities has come together for a fundraising campaign.
One million homes will receive an invitation to participate by signing up to send a €2 text each month. Because of the extraordinary levels of cooperation received from Vodafone, O2, 3 and Meteor, the generosity of Phonovation and the low overheads (including free delivery of invitations by the Leaflet Company Ireland we will be able to pass on a minimum of €1.73 from each text to the charities.
“Because Charity 25’s main job is to collect the money and divide it evenly between the participating charities we have been able to keep our costs very low – in the region of 10 per cent of the projected turnover and pretty much all of that is to print the invitations,” explained business man, Kevin O’Brien, CEO, Charity 25.
“On top of that, Phonovation has agreed to gift back to us the VAT on the text messages meaning that 90 per cent of income from text receipts to Charity 25 will go to the charities. None of us will be taking salaries and there are no hidden charges.”
The campaign is supported by leading celebrity figures that include economist Eddie Hobbs, Boyzone & Coronation Street star, Keith Duffy, football legend Ronnie Whelan and Glen Power from high flying band The Script but to name a few….
The charities that are participating in Charity 25 are - The Samaritans, Down Syndrome Ireland, Headway, Myasthenia Gravis Association, The Cystic Fibrosis Association, The Variety Club of Ireland, GROW, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Aware,, Debra Ireland, Age Action Ireland, St Joseph’s Centre for the Visually Impaired, Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, The Meningitis Trust, The Asthma Society, The Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association, Laura Lynne House - The Children’s Sunshine Home, Special Olympics Ireland, MS Ireland, Teen Line Ireland, Irish Autism Action, Muscular Dystrophy Ireland, The National Association of Housing for the Visually Impaired, and The Jack and Jill Foundation.
Signing up for the “Just 2 Will Do” campaign is straightforward. Text 2WILLDO and your county to 57802. So, if you are based in Dublin that would be 2WILLDO Dublin. You will be charged €2 for the text. If you want to find out more about us our website is