Time for local authority to listen to traders- Phelan

Kilkenny’s local authorities need to listen more to traders before enforcing new systems, rules or regulations in the future, Fine Gael Senator, John Paul Phelan, has urged.

“Politicians are being told again and again to listen to the electorate, to be more in tune with their needs, their concerns and their mood before making critical decisions. The very same applies to our local authorities. Kilkenny Borough Council needs to listen to city traders before it leaps.

“The traders of our city are the key contributors to the borough council’s coffers. Decisions which impact on trader’s takings, such as the one way system has done in their view, ultimately impinge on revenue for the council and the development and maintenance of our historic city centre hub.

“It’s time for everyone to take a little time out; for the experts to come in and come up with proposals and solutions in a timely manner,” Senator Phelan concluded.


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